Secret Bell

Secret Bell

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Typewriter; a before and a later

My favourite piece of technology is the typewriter, yes, the old machine. The typewriter is a revolotionary invention, changed the history of the communications and of the written work on the world. Thanks to the typewriter were born the books, write and read changed for ever with this tool, exist a before and a later. Whit the typewriter has been opened a lot of opportunities for expand the knowledges without fronteirs.

I never have used a typewriter in good state, but I have had someone in my hands for look and touch. I realy like this machine because I think that haves a special mystique. For example, on the movie “The secret of your eyes” is a importan element of the story, that typewriter don´t wrote the leter “A”, and that influenced on the unconscious of the staring.

Actually, the typewriter is obsolete, the computer substituted at the old device with a set of keys that, when pressed, cause characters to be printed on a medium, usually paper.

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